Pupil Zone
At West Park School, we use a ‘school to parent’ online communication program called ClassDojo. At school we allocate a ‘monster’ type character to each child. The teachers award points to children for a variety of positive actions. You can then login at home with your child and see what Dojo points have been awarded to them and why. Alongside this, there is a messaging service between the teacher and parents. This enables the teacher to send messages to the whole class or messages to individual parents. Parents can reply to any message but rest assured, only the teacher can see the reply, even if it was a whole class message other parents will not be able to read your reply. Please note messages will only be checked by staff during working hours.
This can be used on any device e.g. tablet, mobile and computer. It can be downloaded from the APP store or accessed on the internet by typing www.classdojo.com.
Website & Apps for Learning
Here you can find websites to help support your child learning.
How to Learn Your Times Tables Fast
My Maths
Times Tables Rock Stars – Times Tables Rock Stars
West Park Eco School
West Park Primary Schools is proud to call itself an Eco School. We proudly fly our Green Flag on out flagpole, pride of place in our school garden.
West Park School was successful in a national competition which funded solar panels – you won’t see them because they cover a large section of our roof!
We aim to be a Grade A, litter free school. Mr McLean and his team coordinate our litter picks.
West Park School encourages recycling whenever possible. Recycling items include:
- Paper
- Cardboard
- Reading books from home donated to school
- Uniform which children have outgrown donated to school
- Shoes
- Coats
- 100% of our school garden waste is composted
At West Park School we promote water saving devices. All taps in the children’s cloakroom are fitted with motion sensors to avoid wasting water. Tap are never allowed to be left running.
Mr Bell, our Eco Site Manager, frequently checks the water metre. This led to an investigation recently which allowed us to quickly identify and repair a leak in pipe work leading to the Early Years area of the school.
Mr Bell makes sure that leaking taps are repaired immediately.
Global Citizenship
At West Park School we aim to be Global Citizens
- All pupils in Key Stage 2 at West Park School are introduced to the French language.
- Pupils learn about other countries such as Egypt and South Africa. They study climate zones of the world and the value of the conservation of our environment.
- The school community takes part in International Fundraising Events such as Comic Relief. We also collect unwanted shoes and forward these on to an International Charity.
All classes monitor how pupils travel to school. We encourage as many children as possible to “Walk to School”.
Children take part in Cycling Proficiency and the younger children enjoy Bikeability. We have dry and secure storage for all bikes and scooters. I am pleased to say that we have a pedestrian and cycle entrance which is separate from our vehicle entrance.
At West Park School we value biodiversity. The children took part in the RSPB Big Bird Watch, using our new bird watching area. The whole school were involved in making bird feeders which can be found in the pond area and wildlife walk.
We have plants in containers and beds across the site. Some of our half barrel planters are even used to control parking around the school site.
You will also find:
- Newly planted trees
- A pond
- Wildlife boxes (bird and bat boxes and hedgehog hotels)
- Woodland area
- Wildlife camera
- Orchard
- Bug hotels
- Hedges
- Bird feeders
- Wildflower beds
We work extremely closely with our Grounds Maintenance team (Countrywide) to ensure pesticides are used sparingly.
School Grounds
The use of the school grounds, allowing the children to learn outside, is a priority at West Park School. Developing the grounds, making this possible, was a target in our recent School Development Plan. A number of areas are now accessible:
- Three seating areas
- Orchard
- Alongside the gully bridge
- Woodland walk including the gully and bridge with its tunnel
- School orchard and other fruit trees around the site
- Allotment and vegetable beds
- 80% of our school boundary are hedges and/or trees
- Tyre park play area
- Climbing tower and soft wet-pour area
Our large grassed playing field is accessible at break-times. This would also include during the winter months when snow is on the ground.