Admission Arrangements
All applications for a place in school for children from Reception to Year 6 need to be made through the Hartlepool Borough Council Admissions Team.
To apply online, please go to:, and follow their simple step by step instructions.
If you would prefer to submit your application on a paper application form, this can be downloaded from the site, or you can call the School Admissions Team on 01429 523765.
West Park Primary School Admission Policies:
West Park Primary School Admissions Policy 2024-25
West Park Primary School Admissions Policy 2025-26
Further details can be obtained by visiting Hartlepool Borough Council’s School Admissions pages below.
Starting West Park Nursery
Admission to West Park Nursery does not guarantee a place for your child in the reception class at this school.
Children can be admitted to the Nursery class the term after their third birthday until we reach our admission limit of 39 places per morning and afternoon session.
You need to apply directly to the school for a place in Nursery please download our application form and send to the main school office. Once we receive your application the child’s details will be added to our waiting list according to their chronological age.
Please contact the school office on 01429 282090 or email if you have any questions
Normal Admissions Round
For more information on the normal admissions round, including information on how to defer/delay your child’s entry into primary school, please visit Hartlepool Borough Council’s website page at the link below:
In-Year Applications
For more information on in-year applications, please visit Hartlepool Borough Council’s website page at the link below:
For more information on appeals and a timetable for organising and hearing admission appeals, please visit Hartlepool Borough Council’s website page at the link below: